IFPA Professional Diploma
Professional Diploma
in Clinical Aromatherapy and Bodywork IFPA & NAHA Combined Diploma Course
Dual Diploma Course
Oshadhi Malaysia has partnered with Hong Kong Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy to offer a professional aromatherapy diploma program, that combines in-depth course content with a firm foundation in the scientific aspects of aromatherapy practical, at the same time learning therapeutic massage and clinical practice, to cultivate and nurture more comprehensive and professional aromatherapists.
This diploma is recognized by the world’s largest aromatherapy organization, IFPA, in addition to the IFPA aromatherapy certificate, it also can apply for NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) certification.
The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists
(IFPA) was formed on 1st April 2002 as a result of the joining together of members from three leading associations:
- ISPA, International Society of Professional Aromatherapists
- RQA, Register of Qualified Aromatherapists
- IFA, International Federation of Aromatherapists
Largest aromatherapy specific organization in UK
The IFPA is now the largest aromatherapy specific organization in the United Kingdom and is a respected voice within the world of complementary medicine, while the member of the Aromatherapy Regulation Working Group of the UK Government Department of Health, responsible for evaluating the registration of aromatherapy and developing professional training guidelines.
IFPA is committed to promote the professional development of aromatherapy, encourage the natural health care and self-healing, and so, they successfully trained many world-class aromatherapists around the world. IFPA diploma course provides learning of the fundamentals of the human body system, in combination with essential oils and therapeutic massage, to restore the balance of the body, in order to prevent and regulate various body and mental diseases.
Suitable For
Aromatherapy & natural therapy lover, beautician, enhance professional skill, housewife, retiree, develop additional professional skills all are welcome to join.
Syllabus of Diploma Course
170 hours learning & training: 60 hours theoretical and clinical knowledge, 60 hours clinical massage classes and 50 hours are anatomy and physiology
Learning Outcome
Part I: Clinical and Essential Oil Science
- Learn 80 essential oils, 20 carrier oils and 20 hydrolates.
- Scientific, evidence-based principles approach to aromatherapy:
fundamental knowledge of essential oils, chemistry, historical and philosophy, safety and contradictions of essential oils.
Part II: Aromatherapy in Clinical Massage
- Skills and knowledges in therapeutic massage.
- Complete 45 case studies.
Part III: Anatomy and Pathophysiology
- A thorough grounding of anatomy, physiology and basic pathology of the human body.
Diploma Course Dates
Approximately 1 year to complete the entire course, below are the arrangements:
Theoretical, Clinical and Practical Massage Classes (60 hours theoretical and 60 hours clinical and practical massage classes):
* Classes are from 8am to 6pm generally
Anatomy and Physiology (50 hours):
Teacher Li Pin (Zoom class)
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Venue: Kota Kemuning, Malaysia & Online Zoom Meeting Room
Course Organiser: Oshadhi Malaysia and Hong Kong Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy
Oshadhi originate from Germany and is founded by Dr. Malte Hozzel, a world leading aromatherapist. It is acclaimed as premier aromatherapy brand by practitioners worldwide.
All products are hand-crafted, from farm to bottled, without the use of electromagnetic machinery to avoid the disruption of their exquisite subtle properties.
Oshadhi, is the only essential oil brand that is used for treatment in Lausanne University Hospital and covered by medical insurance, as well as recognized by offcial medical department in Switzerland.
AromaVeda is an educational platform by Oshadhi Malaysia, promote professional & correct aromatherapy knowledge, Ayurveda knowledge and practicing aromatherapy life.
Hong Kong Fleur International College of Professional Aromatherapy
Fleur is an accredited Aromatherapy training course provider for the IFPA. Fleur International College is part of a specialist Aromatherapy Company which has 25 years’ experience in Essential Oils in the UK and 12 years’ experience in Hong Kong.
Fleur as an International College has 3 university and schools located in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. Since qualifying with full membership to the IFPA we have had over 1000 students who have graduated with us.
Introduction of Professional Tutors
Theory & Massage Conductor:
Annie Lee (Hong Kong)
- Founder of Aromatherapist of Herbal Square Company
- Principal of Fleur International College of Professional
Aromatherapy / FLEUR - International Member and Principal Tutor of the Interna-
tional Federation of the Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) - Trustee of the International Federation of the
Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) - Certified Professional Aromatherapist of the National
Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) - Professional Member of the International Association
of Aromatic Medicine and Aromatherapy (IAAMA) - Certified Infant Massage Instructor of the International
Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) - Certified Bowen therapist (BTPA)
- Certified Handmade Soap Instructor
Anatomy & Physiology Conductor:
Teacher Li Pin (M’sia)
- More than 10 years clinical experience
- Bachelor of Science (Physical Therapy) from
Taiwan National Cheng Kung University - Certified Schroth Basic Course
- Certified SpineCor Paediatric Fitter (Fitter of
SpineCor Dynamic Corrective Brace for
Paediatric Scoliosis) - Certified SpineCor paediatric and adult exercises
- Certified Unloader Fitter
OF SPINAL CORD INJURY course - Certified CSMA authorized Lymphatic
Drainage Course - Certified Soft Tissue Taping Course
- Founder of ZyeX Physiotherapy &
Rehabilitation Center
Course Fee
Early Bird Price: RM19,900
   (by 29th Feb 2024)
   Original Price: RM24,500
   (include learning materials: text book, smelling kits & tester)
Installment payment avaliable (*T&C apply)
Examination Fee: RM890
   * Examination Fee shall be paid one month before the assessment.
smelling kits are provided
Scan here to register:
Upon registration, kindly make payment to:
Bank Name: Maybank
Account Name: Aroma Veda Educational Sdn. Bhd.
Account Number: 5627 8610 1813
- Kindly send the payment receipt to: [email protected]
- A confirmation email will be sent upon payment received.
For more information, please contact:
Chen Yih (Whatsapp) +6012-2332912 or write to us at: [email protected]
Our Students
IFPA Batch 1 (2019)
IFPA Batch 2 (2020)
IFPA Batch 3 (2021)
IFPA Batch 4 (2022)
IFPA Batch 5 (2023)