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Hydrolate/Hydrosol: What It Is, Usage, Storage and More – A Comprehensive Guide

Hydrolate, also known as Hydrosol or floral water, is produced through the same process asessential [...]

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Series Guide: Different Varieties, Benefits, Usage, and More!

Eucalyptus essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils in the market, scoring [...]

Lavender Essential Oil: Guide to Pick & Use Your Best Suited Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most well-known essential oils in the world. You [...]

Best Blue Chamomile Essential Oil for Users in Singapore

What is Blue Chamomile Oil? Blue chamomile oil is an essential oil derived from the [...]

Holy Frankincense

乳香取自乳香木的树脂,香气偏暖,微微的香料气味带点甜,流露着暖暖的木质气息。乳香是耶稣出生时东方三贤者所赠的三样礼物之一,又被誉为“上帝的眼泪”。 乳香精油品种有很多,因产地不同,所涵的化学成分不尽相同。疗愈效果最好的即是神圣乳香Holy Frankincense(Boswellia Sacra)。神圣乳香属于高频率的精油,更偏向于疗愈精神层面,帮助深度静心、快速镇静并重新连接内在的流动的生命。对于静坐或冥想更快速入定。

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